OMG,only today i just heard a shocking news about my grandma (my mom's mom) was trying to commit suicide by trying an attempt to jump down from the 10th floor of the hospital,OMG~!
I was very shocked when I heard the aunty who's next bed with her told me about all the incident!
It happened very late that night about 8p.m and that time my grandma just finished getting his injections in her eye,she has terrible pain in her eye...><...I pity her ><"
Then she suddenly can't take it anymore and decided to end her life by jumping out of the window!
Luckily the aunty was passing by when she saw grandma was about to leapt out of the window then she quickly went in and grabbed hold of her to prevent her from jumping! Phew!
Then after that incident,my parents decided to visit her more frequently to prevent the same thing from happening again!
And the thing they worry the most is,the aunty had already left the hospital,and was unable to take care of my grandma anymore,><"
Jyjy! We must show grandma our concerns more and don't let the same thing happen ever again~!
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